Lauren DiSalvo
- she/her
A Roman archaeologist turned art historian, Lauren DiSalvo’s interests lay at the intersections of these two disciplines in the field of classical reception. She has published and presented on topics including plaster casts in museum and university collections in the 19th and 20th centuries, material culture associated with the Grand Tour, and portraiture of the long eighteenth century.
classical reception, copies and replicas, souvenirs, eighteenth-century gender.
ART 2385: Survey of History of Western Art
ART 3084: Greek Art and Architecture
ART 3184: Roman Art and Architecture
ART 4484: Topics in Art Criticism and Methodology
Recent publications:
“Postures After the Antique in Eighteenth-Century Portraits of Women.” ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts: 1640-1830 12, no. 2 (2022):1-33.
Co-authored with Nancy Ross, “Ungrading in Art History: Grade inflation, student engagement, and social equity.” Art History Teaching & Pedagogy 7, no. 1 (2022): 1-19.
“Hidden in Plain View: The Plaster Cast Collection at the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.” In Destroy the Copy- Plaster Cast Collections in the 19th-20th Centuries: Demolition, Defacement, Disposal in Europe and Beyond, edited by Annetta Alexandridis and Lorenz Wincler-Horacek, 109-130. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.
Recent awards:
Distinguished Teaching Award (Utah Tech University), 2023
Professor of the Semester for College of Arts (Utah Tech University), 2022
Ph.D, Art History and Archaeology, University of Missouri- Columbia, May 2017
M.A., Classical Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri- Columbia, May 2011
B.A., Archaeology and with Distinction in Art History, University of Virginia, May 2008