Studio Art

During the first year, all SOVA majors complete studio courses together in a shared foundation program. From there, Studio Art majors move on to build skills through core studio courses in painting, drawing, sculpture, and photography. Our students also take courses in professional practices that prepare them for careers in a variety of creative fields.
Studio Art students and faculty produce research and creative work that spans disciplinary boundaries. Our flexible curriculum includes opportunities for students to take elective courses in graphic design, creative technologies, and art history. Students are also encouraged to infuse their creative work with interdisciplinary breadth by integrating the wide range of courses taught at Virginia Tech.
Our program culminates in a year-long capstone course in which students work closely with a faculty mentor to develop a self-directed body of work, which is displayed in public exhibitions in Virginia Tech’s Armory Gallery and the Moss Art Center.

Curriculum overview
As a Studio Art major, you will take 120 credit hours for a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree, including Virginia Tech's Pathways General Education. During the first year, students complete a series of Foundations Studio courses together with all SOVA BFA majors. Students begin taking their required studio art courses in their second semester and continue throughout year two. These courses introduce drawing, painting, photography, and sculpture. During their final year, our majors take Senior Studio, a two-course capstone experience in which students prepare a coherent body of studio work under faculty supervision, culminating in a professional public exhibition. Our students all take a minimum of 12 credits in art history, as well as a course in professional practice and exhibition design and display. Students also take 24 credits in SOVA electives (including art history, creative technologies, and graphic design), and 9 credits in open electives that can be any courses offered at Virginia Tech.
Where are our alumni?
Graduates of the Studio Art program apply their creative skills in a variety of careers. Some become professional artists, exhibiting at national galleries and museums, or pursue commercial careers in photography, painting, illustration, and sculpture. Others seek their Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) degree or postgraduate degrees in related arts fields such as material culture, art therapy, art education, exhibition design, and art conservation. Our alumni have gone on to become professional artists, university professors, K-12 teachers, and pursue careers in galleries and museums.