Ray Callahan

Blacksburg VA 24061
Ray preforms a variety of administrative tasks for SOVA. He handles SOVA's ART course schedules, assists with ART course enrollments, makes sure the department is compliant with the University's OSHA-based Environmental Health and Safety standards, schedules meetings and events, manages SOVA's email lists and calendars, and handles communications between SOVA and other departments. A long time member of the North American Bluebird Society and the Dragonfly Society of the Americas, Ray spends much of his free time managing bluebird trails for Virginia state parks and photographing insects, birds and other animal life. He is also responsible for the large number of house plants scattered around the department.
Administration, photography, biological systems and conservation.
Awardee of College of Architecture, Arts, and Design diversity and outstanding administrative professional certificates
B.S. Biology, Radford University